
Valentine's Day Week

This week's gluten-free menu -
Sunday - Honey Chicken, House Green Salad, Corn
Monday -Love Potion Salad, Gluten-Free French Onion Soup
Tuesday - Gluten-Free Spaghetti and Meatballs, and Broccoli
Wednesday - Almond Encrusted Halibut, Spinach
Thursday - Chicken and Oysters Gumbo
Friday - Filet Mignon, Red Wine, Asparagus, Finger Potatoes, and GF Double Chocolate Brownies

At GlutenFreeWeek it's Valentine's Day all week long and we're going to make things interesting.  According to this article (and various other internet articles) these foods are all aphrodisiacs :  pomegranates, basil leaves, avocados, oysters, almonds, red wine, garlic, asparagus, honey, and chocolate. So this week we're going to try to put as many of those foods as we can into our menus! On Sunday we'll start things off with a sweet and easy Honey Chicken Recipe.  On Monday we'll get things going with a Love Potion Salad.  This has as many aphrodisiac ingredients that will go together into one bowl including pomegranates, basil, and avocados.  On Tuesday we'll have Spaghetti and Meatballs.  What's more romantic than Lady and the Tramp sharing a bowl of spaghetti together?  We'll make sure to put lots of fresh garlic and basil in the sauce!  On Wednesday we'll keep the theme going with Almond Encrusted Halibut. On Thursday we'll have Chicken and Oyster Gumbo.  Not only are oysters supposed to spice things up in the love department, but they are full of nutrition too!  And on Valentine's Day itself, the grand finale, we'll have Filet Mignon, Red Wine, Asparagus, Finger Potatoes, and Chocolate Brownies.  Whew!  It's getting hot in the kitchen!

This week GlutenFreeWeek is participating in Organzing Junkie's Menu Planning Monday and by Heather in the Gluten Free Menu Swap hosted by Celiac Family.

Halloween Week

Halloween spider meatballs

This week's Gluten Free Menu:Sunday - Roasted Chicken and Steamed Broccolini
Monday - Sirloin Steak, Sweet Potatoes, and Broccoli
Tuesday - Chinese Chicken-Fried Rice
Wednesday - Potato and Leek Soup and Green Salad
Thursday - Spider Meatballs and Brussels Sprout Eyeballs
Friday - Chicken Breasts and Fennel

It's Halloween week and it's time to have some gluten-free fun!  On Halloween we're going to have spider meatballs using gluten-free spaghetti for the legs and I'm going to find a way to make brussels sprouts look like green eyeballs with a little bit of cheese and some olive slices.  I'm excited to make the leek soup because I bought fresh leeks and I'm also excited about the chicken breasts and fennel because I don't usually use buy fresh fennel.

Do you have any spooky Halloween ideas? Feel free to share them with us!

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